Listing 4 provides an XHTML file that has no styling. 清单4给出了一个没有样式的XHTML文件。
Listing file name: The listing file name is used to generate the WITH LISTING IN clause for the function. Listingfilename:清单文件名用于为函数生成WITHLISTINGIN子句。
By typing the following command, you can see an assembly listing of every section in the object file that contains executable code. 通过输入下面的命令,您可以看到目标文件中包含可执行代码的每个段的汇编清单。
Copy and paste the code from Listing 1 into the new. scss file. 将清单1中的代码复制粘贴到新的.scss文件中。
Use the code listing download file for the proper code. 请使用代码清单下载文件的正确代码。
Listing 1 provides the HTML index file. 清单1列出了HTML索引文件。
Listing 2 shows inode information for the file/ usr/ bin/ ksh in AIX. 清单2显示了AIX中文件/usr/bin/ksh的inode信息。
Listing 8 shows the manifest file for the Contact Manager. 清单8显示了用于ContactManager的清单文件。
Replace its content in the Source tab with the code shown in the following listing, then save the file. 以如下代码代替Source标签中的内容,然后保存文件。
The example shown in Listing 2 below, copies a non-existent file. 下面的清单2展示的例子复制了一个不存在的文件。
Listing 22 shows the Spring configuration file that defines the components and their dependencies. 清单22展示了定义各组件及其依赖关系的Spring配置文件。
Show-directory shows you the directory listing where the file containing the function exists ( requires program build with debugging) show-directory显示了括功能存在的地址列表(需要有调试的程序构建)
To try out these examples, copy this code listing and paste it into a file called malloc. c. 要试着运行这些示例,需要先复制本代码清单,并将其粘贴到一个名为malloc.c的文件中。
You can specify any number of identifiers in the name listing file. 您可以在名称列表文件中指定任意数目的标识符。
Listing 2 shows the HTML template file for this widget. 清单2所示的是这个小部件的HTML模板文件。
This information can be used for various purposes, such as verifying the unzipped file size or just creating a listing of the contents of a ZIP file without opening it. 这些信息可用于各种目的,例如检验解压缩后的文件大小或只创建ZIP文件的内容清单而不打开它。
Alternatively, save the whole listing into a temporary file and run it by typing load'filename'at the gnuplot prompt ( don't forget the quotes). 或者,将整个清单保存到一个临时文件中,然后通过在gnuplot提示中输入load'filename'(不要忘记引号)来运行代码。
Add the code shown in Listing 1 to the file. 将清单1中所示的代码添加到该文件中。
By default, the listing file gets the same base name as the source file. 默认情况下,清单文件获取与源文件相同的基名称。
ERROR Invalid Content Link Listing File 错误:无效的内容链接库列表文件
You can change the name of the listing file and the directory where it is created using the. 选项可以更改清单文件的名称和在其中创建清单文件的目录。
Wildcards to specify a group of files as inputs for a build instead of listing each file separately. 通配符将一组文件指定为生成的输入,而不是分别列出各个文件。
This allows us to construct a library of preconditions that are easily selected for a new behavior simply by listing them in the behaviors configuration file. 这样做以后设计前置条件的时候我们只需要在行为配置文件中列出前置条件库中对应的前置条件而已。
Produces a listing file on the standard output. If you omit this option, no listing file is produced. 在标准输出中产生一个列表文件,如果忽略则无。
In the file listing, double-click the solution or project file that you want open. 在文件列表中,双击要打开的解决方案或项目文件。
In the files listing, ensure that the folder or file for which you wish to undo pending changes is selected, and click undo changes. 在“文件”列表中,确保选中要撤消其挂起的更改的文件夹或文件,然后单击“撤消更改”。
If you omit this option, no listing file is produced. 如果省略此选项,则不生成列表文件。
Creates a listing file containing assembly code. 创建包含程序集代码的清单文件。